Enlarged prostate..causes, symptoms and treatment methods


Enlarged prostate..causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Prostate enlargement is not considered a cancer and affects a large group of young people as the prostate enlarges with age but often the patient has no symptoms before the age of forty but these symptoms clearly appear after the person is older than 85 years,

The prostate gland is responsible for producing a fluid that stimulates sperm production semen It is located in the lower bladder area.

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Symptoms of an enlarged prostate

There are some symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate, and these symptoms include the following:

frequent urination

A common sign of an enlarged prostate is the constant and frequent urge to urinate, especially at night, but this does not necessarily mean that you have an enlarged prostate as there are many problems that cause this condition.

But the size of the prostate does not increase with inflation because it puts pressure on the tube responsible for carrying urine, the urethra.

It is worth noting that the bladder contracts continuously when it is filled with urine to expel it from the body, but the pressure created by the enlarged prostate on the bladder causes it to contract continuously even when it is empty, which causes the constant need to urinate.

difficulty urinating

People with an enlarged prostate have difficulty urinating and spend a lot of time in the bathroom until the urine comes out and the flow is less than before.

This is also accompanied by the feeling of the patient that the bladder has not completely emptied, and all this happens because of the pressure that the prostate forms on the urethral tube, and this pushes the bladder to make a double effort to complete it peeing process.

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See also: benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

inability to urinate

One of the most dangerous symptoms associated with inflation, which occurs only in an advanced stage, as this inflation increases over time and closes the urethral tube, rendering the patient unable to excrete urine, or the bladder loses its ability to contract and become weaker, this problem would cause many serious problems as they threaten the kidneys.

Other symptoms of an enlarged prostate

  • A feeling of weakness and tiredness in general.
  • High body temperature, with constant shivering.
  • Severe and persistent pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The patient feels severe pain during intercourse or ejaculation.
  • Pain in the penis and testicles.
  • Urinary tract infection and inflammation.
  • Bladder and kidney stones.
  • Weakness of the nerves that control the bladder.
  • If an enlarged prostate is left untreated, it can increase the chance of developing bladder or prostate cancer.

Learn more about: benign prostate cancer, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Methods for diagnosing an enlarged prostate

An enlarged prostate is diagnosed by a doctor who specializes in urology, and this is done through a number of steps, including:

  • First, the patient’s symptoms are identified, after which the doctor conducts a clinical examination.
  • The doctor asks the patient to take some tests and X-rays, such as X-rays or MRIs, which help to clearly visualize the prostate, clarify the problem and the extent of the enlargement, and also clearly explain the cause of infections.
  • The doctor may also request some tests, such as blood and urinalysis.
  • There are also many other tests such as analyzing the fluid secreted by the prostate, taking a semen sample for examination and also examining the rectum.
  • Is there a genetic or family history with this disease?
  • Using the doctor’s scope to examine the bladder, which helps the doctor determine the extent of the problem and also take some of this inflation to be examined in the lab.
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Causes of enlarged prostate

There are many causes and factors that lead to an enlarged prostate, including the following:

  • There is an imbalance and disorder in the sexual hormones in men, and this issue increases with age.
  • The presence of a family history of this disease, or the result of genetic genes.
  • Some chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Significant weight gain.
  • contageous.
  • Nerve damage causes an enlarged prostate.

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Methods of treating an enlarged prostate

The appropriate method of treatment is determined after examination and diagnosis of the condition, as treatment depends on the development of inflation, its cause and many other causes, and methods of treatment include the following:


This method and types of medications are determined based on the cause of the infection. If a bacterial infection is the cause of an enlarged prostate, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to overcome the infection. In some other cases that have severe symptoms, the doctor prescribes intravenous antibiotics to increase the effect.

Alpha blockers are also used. This type helps relax the muscles around the prostate and bladder and helps reduce the severity of many symptoms, such as painful urination.

Also, anti-inflammatory medications can help relieve unpleasant symptoms and treat inflammation associated with hypertrophy.

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Surgical treatment

The surgical solution is not a common method of treatment and is not used except in severe cases suffering from bladder obstruction and scarring, severe symptoms affecting the life of the patient as surgical treatment is used to treat the problem and help the condition of the patient to improve.

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interventional radiotherapy

The latest treatment methods that have proven to be very effective in the treatment of prostate enlargement as all studies have shown that interventional radiology, also known as interventional catheterization, has achieved a success rate of up to 90% and has also helped to significantly reduce the severity and severity of the associated symptoms and its severity and its risks are considered much less when you compare it to surgical treatment.

The role of this technique in treatment depends on closing the artery supplying the part of the prostate that is suffering from enlargement, and this does not affect the role of the rest of the healthy parts of the prostate.

This operation is performed after the patient has been given a local anesthetic, after which a very thin catheter is inserted through a very small hole in the right thigh.

Through this thin tube, substances in the form of very small granules are added that close the artery that feeds the affected area, and so this part of the prostate will shrink and thus reduce the pressure on the bladder and urethra, and accordingly most or all the symptoms the patient suffers from disappear.

Methods of prevention

These are some tips that will help you reduce the chances of an enlarged prostate, which depends on changing your lifestyle for the better. These tips include the following:

  • Do not overuse or use over the counter medicines as there are some medicines that increase the chance of infection or make symptoms worse, or medicines that act on fluid and urine retention in the body, such as antihistamines and decongestants, and they should not be used except under medical supervision to avoid its risks.
  • It is best not to drink large amounts of water and liquids before going to bed.
  • Try to reduce the amount of drinks that contain caffeine, or drinks that increase the need to urinate continuously, especially at night.
  • When urinating, the bladder should be completely emptied as this helps to relieve pressure on the bladder.

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