Health benefits of turkey .. 11 reasons why we prefer to eat it ……………


Health benefits of turkey .. 11 reasons why we prefer to eat it ……………

In this article, we discuss the health benefits of turkey and the nutrients it contains that improve and strengthen the health of the body. The turkey meal is one of the most popular dishes served during holidays and festive occasions and expresses luxury and luxury. Turkey is a rich source of protein and several nutrients, and it is low in fat and cholesterol. To get the most benefit, make sure you eat it fresh, not frozen, and only eat the flesh without the skin.

Benefits of turkey

Improves immunity

A piece of turkey contains a huge amount of different nutrients, especially potassium, selenium and protein, which help the immune system fight viruses and chronic diseases when eaten regularly.

Promotes mental health

Eating turkey helps improve mood and mental health, thanks to the fact that it contains tryptophan, which is responsible for the production of serotonin, the deficiency of which leads to anxiety. and depression

Weight loss

Turkey is one of the ideal meals during the weight loss period because it is almost fat-free in addition to being low in calories. It contains many nutritional components such as riboflavin, thiamine, phosphorus, proteins and many others, making it a nutritious and useful meal.

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Benefits of turkey

Promotes heart health

Rumi is considered as one of the safe and ideal foods for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Eating it more than once a week lowers blood cholesterol levels, provided that vegetable oils are not added.

Rich in proteins

Rumi is one of the foods rich in protein as it is a healthy meat that provides the body with the elements necessary for the health of the body, skin and hair.


Eating turkey helps maintain blood cholesterol levels as it contains a small percentage of fat, so it should be included in daily meals for cardiovascular safety.

Benefits of turkey

Ideal for diabetics

Many studies and scientific research have shown that Rumi is one of the meals that help diabetics to relieve the symptoms of the disease, because it contains a small percentage of calories, fats and cholesterol, so it is a good choice if you want to eat meat .

Treats anemia

Rumi contains iron and many minerals and vitamins that help build red blood cells and stimulate their production, making it a good meal for people suffering from anemia.

Benefits of turkey for the skin

Eating turkey once or three times a week helps to keep the skin fresh and hydrated, thanks to the nutrients that are important for the skin.

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