Turmeric benefits for health and body


Turmeric benefits for health and body

turmeric Or wars, and it is also known as kharkoum in the Arab Maghreb countries, or Asaba Safar, or Al-Hard. It is a kind of spice (spice) made from the roots and is one of the most famous popular spices in the world. It is native to southwestern India and is abundant. Also in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, turmeric has been used for thousands of years as an alternative medicine treatment in China and India for its myriad benefits in the world and is also used in cooking, and is used as a type of dye, so what are the benefits of turmeric for health and body? And what are its drawbacks? We will learn about this plant in detail below.

Multiple benefits of turmeric:

Turmeric is known for its many therapeutic benefits discovered since ancient times, and they are:

It is considered a powerful anti-inflammatory: Several studies have shown that turmeric contains a group of substances that eliminate viruses, fungi and germs, in addition, it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, by using it in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis … etc., where benefits of turmeric In the treatment of arthritis it is also helpful in cleansing wounds and accelerating their healing.

It stimulates the immune system: Turmeric strengthens the immune system to fight various diseases and viruses.

Painkiller: Where turmeric is considered a strong analgesic because it contains curcumin, an anti-inflammatory and oxidative compound, making it a plant that helps relieve pain such as arthritis, stomach ulcers, etc.

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Helps Treat Asthma: Recent studies have shown that turmeric can reduce the severity of asthma infections.

Fight Cancer: Several medical studies have concluded that turmeric contains curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, as it fights cancer cells.

Treats Digestive Disorders: While medical studies have shown that turmeric acts as a digestive stimulant and helps the body to secrete digestive enzymes, which in turn break down carbohydrates in addition to fats, it is therefore recommended for people who suffer from stomach upset and the digestive system in general to drink turmeric tea regularly as it helps in the treatment.

Side Effects Of Turmeric:

  • Excessive intake of turmeric causes kidney stones as it contains oxalate which increases the chances of kidney stones.
  • Deliver defective.
  • Lowering of blood pressure.
  • Excessive cramps in women.

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